
Lorenzo Medina

Click on the player to listen his artwork
"Cool Studies".

Mexican Composer

Born in Mexico City, begun musical studies at the Instituto Cardenal Miranda, obtaining its Bachelors in Music with Teachers, Xavier Gonzáles and Juan Trigos, and later obtained diplomas in composition and musicology, continued studies of composition in Conservation of Amsterdam, with Theo Loevendie, Kees tazelaar.

Also studied Sonology at the Koninlink Conservatory at Den Haag, finally followed posgrade of composition with Klaas de Vries at Rotterdams conservatorium.

He is author of the books of poetry: La Farmacia, and Orden y Caos. After posgraduate studies, moved to the mexican city of San Luis Potosí , where he founded and directed the ensamble Camerata del Desierto. presenting and commisioned many pieces around various festivals and fórums. Focus on XX century repertoire.

Has been granted by FONCA in the programs Young creators, and of support for studyes abroad.

His music has been played by ensambles like: ASKO ensamble, nederlands vocaal labopratorium, Camerata de las Américas, Cepromusic, string Quartet José White, Camerata del Desierto, Tempus Fugit, and others, in Europe and México.

During 2008 to 2011 worked as subdirector of Instituto Cardenal Miranda A.C.


Now days he develops as teacher at the Faculty of Music of UNAM, and at Ollin Yoliztli School , also as a independent researcher , composer, and poet.

Has written the blog: http://fonéticaymúsica.blogspot.com/ which is part of a independent interdisciplinary research about relatións between music and phonetics and músic . https://soundcloud.com/lorenzo-medina-5

Contact: nzomed@gmail.com

Obra Denudatio Perfecta - Sandra Pani