
Alejandro Romero

Click on the player to listen his artwork
"Bruma en el pliegue".

He is member of the Mexico’s Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte, SNCA (Art’s Creators National System ) since 2005.

Born in Mexico City. Throughout his education, he developed a strong interest towards musical signification, which led him to a musical-semiological research, attending specialized courses with music semiologists such as Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Gino Stefani, François Bernard Mâche, David Lidov, and Raymond Monelle within the Seminar on Music Semiology at the UNAM, where he was an active member from 1998-2006. He has also a master in composition by the UNAM.

His music searchs working into the sound. The plastic, the distorsion and the timbrical variety planes in his compositions are the focus in his musical thought.

His compositions have been performed at Mexico’s most important musical stages by renowned orchestras and ensembles, such as Onix ensamble, Mexico’s City Quartet, Guanajuato’s Philharmonic, Queretaro’s Philharmonic, and Mexico’s City Philharmonic, and Tempus fugit ensemble, Cepromusic ensemble, Liminar ensemble. Outside of Mexico, his repertoire has been performed in Germany, France, Austria, Canada, Brazil and Argentina.


He teaches the course of Composition and analysis in the Escuela Superior de Música of the Centro Nacional de las Artes.  

Obra Denudatio Perfecta - Sandra Pani